Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2021, a year that can’t possibly be any worse than 2020…right? Well, at least from a podcast point of view we’ve got you covered. We’ll be releasing Episode 2 of Research on the Rocks in the next day or so, starring Dr Rachel Wheatley. Rachel’s research is all about the quest for new antibiotics: if you’ve heard that in a few years time modern medicine could become obsolete due to deadly unkillable bacteria, then Rachel is definitely someone that you want to be listening to!

We’ve got a whole host of exciting interviews lined up for you this year, on everything from how we prepare for disaster (#2020) to the multilingual life of Samuel Beckett, from how mathematical modelling is advancing medical research to democracy in Ghana, from the history of vaccines to the cutting edge of Artificial Intelligence. And one or two good cocktails too…

So come and find us on your platform of choice, get involved on twitter, and look out for our chat with Rachel! It’ll be available everywhere in the next couple of days, but should appear on your device automatically as soon as it’s uploaded for subscribers – so you know what to do…!


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